Photo by Jakub Kriz on Unsplash
Can someone with a chronic illness study the Alexander Technique? Sure, they can! The Technique is gentle and non-manipulative. Alexander teachers can tailor their lessons to meet their students’ needs. What’s more, having a chronic illness can make life difficult and deplete a person’s energy more quickly than normal, so learning to use less energy throughout the day would be a blessing.
As to how much the Alexander Technique will benefit people with chronic illnesses, it will depend on the individual. There are those who will experience relief from certain symptoms and others who might need more lessons to notice a change. You will know in one lesson if the Alexander Technique is right for you.
When you call to schedule a lesson, be sure to let the Alexander teacher know about your condition and any restrictions you may have. Tell your teacher what makes you uncomfortable and what you find downright painful. Lessons usually run approximately 45 minutes, but perhaps you want to begin with a 20-minute lesson to see how you feel over the next few days? Your teacher will most likely be flexible and understanding. Be sure to tell them during your lesson if you aren’t feeling well or if something they are doing brings you discomfort or anxiety. There are many variations and ways for your teacher to work with you that will allow you to relax and enjoy the lesson. Remember, F.M. Alexander worked with many people who struggled with illness--including himself!
Some chronic illnesses with symptoms alleviated by the Alexander Technique:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)